How To Take Care of Baby Chicks

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This is Celeste, Bengt’s oldest daughter, I’m here to help you on taking care of baby chicks. First, you need to pick out your chicks, I use Murray Mcmurray Hatchery but you can use any hachery! Than, you have to pick which type of chicks you want to buy.  After that, you need to get prepared for the chicks to come so you need to get a bag of baby chick feed, water, dishes, a heat lamp or source of heat, and a house for them until they get old enough to explore. When they get home put them in their pre-made house with food, water, and a heat lamp. Then you return every 1-2 days to refill their food and water dishes,and eventually you’ll have full grown chickens!! Please also take in mind that you will have to expect at most 10% of your chicks to pass away before they are fully grown.
Ok, so now that we’ve discussed that matter, you can hear about MY baby chicks! First off lemme tell you that one of mine died. =( It was a pom-pom chick aka Golden Polish. We have one little chick who isn’t doing good, she/he has spaz attacks my dad thinks it has to do with it’s nervous system. Other than that my flock is doing great! I bought 2 Dark Brauhmas, 27 Barred Rocks, and 4 (now 3) Golden Polish. We had to get up at 5 in the morning over spring break while visiting dad!!!!